Die nachstehenden Bilder wurden von der VEMA eG für die Verwendung in diesen Landingpages lizenziert:
- Adobestock #391107951 (Recreational vehicle catches fire.) | Urheber: Steve
- Adobestock #42606137 (Hagelschaden – tiefe Dellen am Dach eines Wohnwagens) | Urheber: Glaser
- Adobestock #91320125 (Windy camping at the farm) | Urheber: Peter de Kievith
- Adobestock #491715352 (Awesome aerial shot of a caravan park next to a lake. Awesome trailer lifestyle and a perfect vacation opportunity. Aerial geology shot with the drone slowly moving backwards.) | Urheber: Dipsky
- Adobestock #491715352 (Awesome aerial shot of a caravan park next to a lake. Awesome trailer lifestyle and a perfect vacation opportunity. Aerial geology shot with the drone slowly moving backwards.) | Urheber: Dipsky
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